Hey There Angels

Practical Expansion Is…

My journey as a healer has been a long, wacky, nonsensical road that mysteriously guided me towards becoming exactly what I needed to be: myself.

my life’s purpose has always been to facilitate happiness and foster community.I have always been a mover. Ever since I could remember I was twirling around the living room dancing. I would be the first one at parties on the floor. I had an instant love for being on stage. After pursuing a career in musical theatre, I fell into the realm of physical theatre, pantomime, and stage combat. While this felt more at home, I soon grew tiresome of the hustle and made a pivot into the world of yoga. I did my first 200 hr training in Power Vinyasa, soon to be followed by 50 hrs in both Budokon and Yin. My love of fitness drew me into learning about Pilates, Barre, and soon thereafter HIIT and Conditioning. I then did my 300 hr training in Prana Flow.

And while all the movement kept me going, what I learned was that it became a distraction. It was my normal to constantly go-go-go and be on the move, that I never had time (read as: subconsciously resisted) to actually do the work on myself. I needed to discover more of myself that existed outside of just the physical. And so, mindfulness became the forefront of my passions. I questioned EVERYTHING. Up until the point where I could finally begin to discover who I was and moreso why I was; once you figure out what ingredients are in the pot you get to decide the measurements to add.

Practical Expansion is my love child. It’s a dream of everything I am rolled up in a tiny little package. We all want to grow. We all want change. We all want joy. And this expansion is yours to be claimed! All the tools are at your disposal in order to become the best version of who you are and it is just a matter of using them in a the most practical way for yourSelf.